Consumers do not know what they want, according to Jim Wong, president of Acer.He believes that it is the suppliers responsibility to figure that out.Judging by the range of products unveiled at this weeks giant Computex PC show in Taipei, the industry is not very sure either. 按照宏基(Acer)总裁翁建仁(Jim Wong)的众说纷纭,消费者并不知道自己要什么。他坚信解决问题该问题是供应商的责任。从本周规模极大的台北国际电脑展览(Computex)亮相的产品范围看,行业也不过于确认。
Acer too is hedging its bets. Not only did it present the worlds thinnest ultrabook, but also hybrid tablet-laptops.Perhaps after the past year management can be forgiven for caution.In short order the former world number two shipper of PCs (now fourth, just behind Dell) parted company with its chief executive over strategy disagreements, took a $150m charge for questionable accounting,saw sales drop by a quarter, and suffered its first operating loss in a decade. 宏基本身也在两面庄家。它不仅发售了世界上最厚的超级本(ultrabook)笔记本电脑,还发售混合平板/笔记本。
This is Acers fightback year, as it is for other PC makers who have struggled to catch up with the popularity of tablets.They are betting on Microsofts Windows 8,due for release later this year.They are also taking the battle to Apple with laptops that become tablets, and new ultrabooks–Acers Aspire S7 ultrabook is 12mm thick compared with the MacBooks 17mm. 今年将是宏基奋力反攻的一年,其它于是以极力追上平板电脑潮流的PC生产商也是如此。他们于是以押注于微软Windows 8,该操作系统将于今年晚些时候公布。他们也于是以与苹果(Apple)进行竞争——利用平板/笔记本电脑,以及新的超级本:宏基的Aspire S7超级本薄12毫米,而苹果MacBook则薄17毫米。
Consumers should benefit,but makers may struggle to profit as they wait for users to decide what they want.Acer has not released pricing details for the new Aspire, but it will be in the high-margin premium category dominated by Apple.This is a risky departure for a company more familiar with the wafer-thin margins of the cheaper end of the mass market.Acer has at least already stanched the financial bleeding, producing operating profits in the last two quarters (albeit with a margin of 0.1 per cent).Its new products were among the hits of Computex, but they will not ship until later this year. Between now and then,expect more heavily promoted unveilings across the industry,but little action.Investors have some time to make up their own minds about who to back. 消费者不应能获益,但在等候用户要求究竟要什么之际,生产商有可能很难利润。宏基还没发布新款Aspire系列的定价细节,但它将归属于苹果主导的高利润的高端品类。